Phoenix Psychological Assessments and Testing

Diagnostic Evaluations
Diagnostic Evaluations are commonly conducted with individuals who lack diagnostic clarity. Clinical interviewing and psychological tests are utilized to create a clear diagnostic psychological profile to create an effective treatment approach.
The problems assessed include, but are not limited to:
- Learning/Academic problems
- Disruptive behaviors
- Motivation/Concentration
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Communication problems
- Relationship problems
- Diagnostic clarification for complex psycho-social and/or behavioral problems
Typically, a diagnostic evaluation requires you to attend 1 to 1.5 hour-long intake appointment, and one or two testing appointments that may last 3-6 hours each. This is followed by a final session to review the results.
Personality Assessment
Personality Assessment is designed to uncover fundamental elements of an individual’s character and personality.
Includes a 45-60 minute clinical interview and an additional two hours for testing. Often, only one appointment is required. If you were referred by another provider as part of your treatment the results will be sent to that clinician. If you request a feedback session it would be at additional cost (average 30-60min).
Pre-Operative Evaluation
**For patients seeking either bariatric surgery or spinal cord surgery. Involves clinical diagnostic interview, psychological testing, and written report sent to your surgeon. Includes 45-60 minutes with me and an additional 1-2 hours for testing. Often, only one appointment is required. In some cases, a follow-up appointment is required at additional cost. These types of tests are generally requested by another provider, therefore a feedback session is not typically provided.
Intelligence Testing
Intelligence Testing is conducted by using intelligence tests to identify cognitive strengths, weaknesses, and developmental delays.
Includes clinical interview, full-scale IQ testing, score report, and 30-minute feedback session.